Small-sample adjustments for F-tests using robust variance estimation in meta-regression

James E. Pustejovsky & Elizabeth Tipton

March 6, 2015

Meta-analysis with dependent effect sizes

  • Meta-analysis is a set of tools for synthesizing results from many different sources
  • Studies often report multiple effect sizes
  • Two methods for handling dependent effects:
    • Univariate meta-analysis, where each study contributes a single effect size, or
    • Multivariate meta-analysis, where the covariance structure of the multiple effect sizes is known.
  • Neither approach is ideal

Robust variance estimation

Robust variance estimation (RVE; Hedges, Tipton, & Johnson, 2010) produces asymptotically valid standard errors and hypothesis tests, even if the error structure is mis-specified.

  • Accurate estimates of correlations between effect sizes are not needed.
  • Meta-regressions estimated by weighted least squares (just like model-based multivariate meta-regression).
    • Weights can be based on effect size variances and rough imputations of correlations.
    • But exact inverse-variance weights are not needed.
  • Variances of meta-regression coefficients estimated using a "sandwich" formula (Liang & Zeger, 1986).

Hypothesis testing

In large samples, we can use RVE to construct hypothesis tests.

  • For testing a single meta-regression coefficient, the z statistic (estimaterobust SE) follows a standard normal distribution if m is "big enough."
  • Tipton (in press) devised small-sample corrections for t-tests. These corrections involve two parts:
    • Adjustments to the robust variance estimator
    • Estimated degrees of freedom for the t-distribution (using a Satterthwaite approximation)
    • These degrees of freedom differ for each covariate in the model.

Tests of multiple meta-regression coefficients

  • Meta-analysts will often need to test hypotheses involving more than one meta-regression coefficient.
    • Test equality of several levels of a moderator
    • Test of overall model fit
  • For simulatenously testing several meta-regression coefficients, one can use a Wald statistic Q=(estimates)′(RVE matrix′)−1(estimates)
  • In large samples, we would expect Q to follow a chi-squared distribution with q degrees of freedom.
  • Simulation results suggest that this test can have severely inflated Type I error.

Small sample F-tests

We follow a two-part strategy for constructing small-sample tests:

  • Adjustments to the robust variance estimator
    • based on McCaffrey, Bell, & Botts' (2001) "bias-reduced linearization" approach.
  • Estimated degrees of freedom for the F-distribution
    • but how to estimate these degrees of freedom?
  • Drawing on extant literature, we investigated a wide variety of possible corrections.
    • Fai-Cornelius (1996): mixed models
    • Cai-Hayes (2008): heteroskedasticity robust standard errors
    • Zhang (2012, 2013): heteroskedastic ANOVA/MANOVA
    • Pan-Wall (2002): generalized estimating equations

The Winner: T2Z

  • The paper provides results for five different corrections. Here, however, we'll focus on only the one that works best.
  • The T2Z approach c×Q/q∼F(q,df) where df is estimated by matching the mean and total variance of the RVE matrix.
  • The T2Z is best in two regards
    • It is (almost) always level-alpha
    • It is more powerful than any of the other level-alpha estimators (i.e., always has error rates closer to nominal)

Simulated type-I error rate of χ2 test

plot of chunk simulation_F

Simulation results: T2Z

plot of chunk simulation_Z

Example: Wilson et al. (2011)

  • Wilson, Lipsey, Tanner-Smith, Huang, & Steinka-Fry (2011) synthesis of effects of dropout prevention/intervention programs.
    • Primary outcomes: school completion, school dropout
    • m=152 studies, containing 385 effect size estimates
  • Meta-regression model including several categorical moderators
Moderator q Chi-sq p-value T-squared Z d.f. p-value
Study design 2 0.23 0.796 0.22 43 0.800
Outcome measure 3 0.91 0.436 0.84 22 0.488
Evaluator independence 3 3.11 0.029 2.78 17 0.073
Implementation quality 2 14.15 <0.001 13.78 37 <0.001
Program format 3 3.85 0.011 3.65 38 0.021

Conclusions and future work

  • Like Tipton (in press) found with the small-sample t-test…
    • The performance of the large-sample test depends on features of the covariates, not just sample size.
    • Consequently, it is hard to know a priori what constitutes a "big enough" sample.
  • We therefore recommend that small-sample corrections should always be used in practice.
  • We provide prototype software in R (upon request), and are working on implementing it fully into the robumeta R package and Stata macro and the metafor R package (Viechtbauer, 2010).

Small-sample adjustments for F-tests using robust variance estimation in meta-regression

Simulation results

Simulation results: EDT test

plot of chunk simulation_EDT

Comparison of small-sample corrections

plot of chunk sim_comparison